Wednesday, May 21, 2008


You'd think a butcher wouldn't have any trouble slaughtering a pig, and you'd think that someone that mounts bugs for his his part-time job wouldn't bat an eye at dumping some rare specimens in alcohol, but I've found I just can't do it sometimes. I caught an awesome-sized beetle on the side of the road the other day (probably about 3 inches long, I'll post a picture if I ever get around to it) and kept it in my room till I could buy alcohol to kill it. The thing just tried so hard to get out that after a couple days I didn't have the heart to kill it, and let it go after a lot of internal delimna (after all, I came here expecting to catch bugs, didn't I?). Then yesterday I saw the coolest bug I have ever seen alive with my on two eyes, a massive male stag beetle, maybe five inches long, of that at least half a massive set of pincers, we're talking a genuine monster of a bug (my pictures didn't turn out great because I was on the landscape setting) and I didn't even have the heart to catch it. Seriously, this thing was monstrous. Even now, I feel sorry for the cserebogárs I caught today. Maybe I'm not cut out for this job...


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