Friday, May 16, 2008

Jó utat!

My journey has begun! I don't recommend a 12 hour over-night stay in London's Heathrow Airport, though, the airport closes and they kick you out into the street (well, the lobby place where you normally check your bags). I slept on a nice wooden bench with another guy bound for a 5 o'clock flight. I've found traveling to be much easier if you can sleep on a plane as well, the jet-lag wasn't such a big deal because I got plenty of rest on the plane. I'm staying with friend Kókány Gábor, an awesome church member I taught as a greenie. He has a wife, Mensáros Nóra, and a little one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Dominika, who happens to be adorable. He also has Skype, which makes my girlfriend very happy. I discovered today that my international student ID doesn't work for train tickets; I was trying to go to an old companion's wedding in Szombathely, but because 2nd class was full and I got no discount, it would have cost me 5000 forint, which I can't afford to pay, thanks to the weak dollar (it's about 160 forint per dollar these days). I spent the day instead getting myself a phone, cruising around Margit Sziget with Horváth János and then having paprikás krumpli and palacsintas at his house. I went to a YSA activity and met a ton of youth and missionaries I knew, and a ton I didn't (I've only been gone 6 months and already so many faces I don't know...). I'm excited for tomorrow, I've got tons to do!


U.I. Also, I have run into 2 old investigators since I've been here rather randomly, Sándor János, an Adventist theology student who was more interested in comparison and converting us, and Zeng, a Chinese guy more interested in learning English than hearing what we have to say. It was an interesting confirmation that I'm supposed to be here, a portent that I will yet have such encounters, and leaves me with the question, what does God want me to do with them?

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