Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tudjuk, mit jelent, balszél, ha fúj...

Focus. It seems to very often be the great divisor between success and failure. It's no wonder so many religions stress the need to improve oneself with the promise of untold blessings. When my mind and heart are aligned with my own desires and with God's will, it permeates to all aspects of my life. It is such a subtle twitch of the antennae that allows the Spirit to channel so purely through me. In the rush of reality that is life, I tend to fall off track. It takes a concerted effort, more time in the Scriptures, more time in prayer, to find my center again. Academically, this is much the same process: small changes that bring huge results. These changes really only involve focus, setting aside distraction, anxiety, and apathy. When things work out, I am amazed by what I can do. The reverse is also true, when I'm off my game, life can be an uphill slog.

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