Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When so much is left undone

I am the king of buyer's regret. I'll debate long and hard about a decision, make it, and then forever second guess myself. It's a rare treat when I make a hard decision and it just feels right, like when I went to Hungary last summer. After I bought the ticket (and not a moment before), I knew it was the right thing to do. Even when tons came up and I was tempted to recant, I stuck with it, sacrificing quite a bit and changing my life based on that good feeling. Sometimes I feel pretty good a about decision, but the question "What might have been?" is always there in my thoughts. I recently stood at a very significant crossroads and made a difficult decision. I stick by it, but I can't help but keep thinking about what might have been down the other path, and whether or not I could still go back and change my mind...


Carrie said...

No, no, no! Timoteo, cryptic? Really, you are using the cryptic method? Fill me in on the decision! You'll have to come over!

Dee Montier said...

So, I definitely came across this in a completely randomized way. I was looking at Dani's blog, then found Ali, then saw you and thought you were Adam. Was really weirded out cause I am positive that Natalie/Ali/Jenn would have told me if Adam came home.
Then I read this, and decided (for the hundredth time in my life) that I wanted to marry a Ruggles.
So, I text Ali and Natalie and told them.
Ali text back and said I'd really get along with her cousin, Tim.
Natalie text back and asked how I came to the conclusion this time, so I told her. She laughed and asked which one I wanted to marry... Then through the conversation we figured out that you were the reasoning behind the marriage thing..
I guess I caught the "provo virus" when I was in Utah for Nat's wedding.
Thought you should know.

Rugo said...

Lol, at first I was a little confused by people that seemed to lump all us Ruggles into one maritable pile, I mean, aren't we all so different?? Then my sister-in-law explained to me one day what common traits she found in the Ruggles family that made us different. It gave me a lot of perspective, and more than just a little gratitude for the corner of humanity God chose to set me in. In short, I apologize that you have been infected by the Ruggles virus and regret to inform you that there is no cure.